| [ P/N: x80pro] |
x80pro |

X80 WiFi Mobile Robot Development Platform PRO Version
  - [P/N: x80pro]
X80Pro is an upgraded version of X80, it has everything X80 has plus extras of 3 more sonar sensors (DUR5200), Tilting sensor, (DTA5102), Temperature sensor (DAT5280), IR remote control module (MIR5538), IR remote controller (DIR5538), the 128x64 mono graphic display (MGL5128) and two stronger (550oz-in, 40Kg.cm) motors.
This ready to use mobile robot platform is designed for researchers developing
advanced robot applications such as remote monitoring, telepresence and autonomous
Mechanics |
The X80Pro is the result of extensive efforts to develop a robot that would be fast and strong, while
itself remaining lightweight and nimble. The wheel-based platform’s two 12V DC motors each supply 550
oz.-inches(40kg.cm) of torque to the X80Pro’s 18 cm (7 in.) wheels, yielding a top speed in excess of 0.75 m/s.
Two high-resolution (800 count per wheel cycle) quadrature encoders mounted on each wheel provide
high-precision measurement and control of wheel movement. Weighing only 3.5 kg (7.7 lb.), the system is
light, but it can carry an additional payload of 15 kg (33 lb.).
Sensors |

X80Pro offers full WiFi (802.11g) wireless, multimedia, sensing and motion capabilities and comes with a
wide range of sensor, camera, and audio modules, sufficient to serve in any variety of applications. The
X80Pro offers broad expandability as well for projects that may require additional sensors, even specialized
modules. Powered by separate RC servo motors, the integrated camera head can pan and tilt independently.
The X80Pro’s underlying technology evolved from Dr Robot’s Distributed Computation Robotic Architecture,
originally developed for Dr Robot’s Humanoid (HR) Robot. Using this approach, high-level control of the
robot is maintained by a remote or local PC/server communicating by a secure wireless link. Low-level
functionality is managed by an onboard digital signal processor (DSP) while computationally intensive
operations are performed offboard. The result is a robot that’s lighter, draws less power, runs longer
and is dramatically less expensive than a fully bundled or self-contained system. Moreover, since primary
processing resides in a server, any hardware upgrades to the central unit are shared by all the robots it controls.
With its integrated high bandwidth (11Mbps) WiFi 802.11 wireless module, the system can upload all sensor
data (including encoder sensor readings) to a PC or server at rates in excess of 10Hz. Similarly, streaming
audio (8Hz x 8bits) and video (up to 4 fps) either for direct monitoring or for processing by high-level AI
schemes is a snap. Commands and instructions sent to the X80Pro via the same wireless link also pass at rates
exceeding 10Hz, providing real-time control and access.
The X80Pro includes all WiRobot development software components (for MS Windows 2000 and up), enabling easy access
to all data and information in a standard Microsoft Windows programming environment (e.g., MS VB and VC++). Under
the approach of using a separate PC for high-level control, there are no longer onboard restrictions on a mobile
system’s processing power, memory and storage. For users of non-Windows operating systems (e.g., Linux), Dr Robot will provide the raw communication protocol for direct integration with any other system/device.
With the X80Pro system, researchers can develop a specialized intelligent robotic assistant, security robot or simply
use it as a platform for a variety of projects built around applications such as human-machine interaction, mobile
system navigation, robot behavior, image processing, object recognition, voice recognition, teleoperation, remote
sensing, map building and localization etc.
The X80Pro system is fully integrated and each robot is fully assembled and tested prior to shipping so that it
arrives ready for use.
Mechanical and Control Highlights:
- Two 12V motors with over 550oz.-inch(40kg.cm) torque each
- 7 inch driving wheel
- Max speed of 0.75 m/sec
- Dimensions:
- 38.0 cm (15 inch) diameter
- 25.5 cm (10 inch) height
- Weight: 3.5 kg
- Large top mounting deck for additional devices such as a notebook computer
- Additional carrying payload:
- Pre-programmed fine speed and position control achieved by an integrated PMS5005 module employing two 800 count per wheel-cycle quadrature encoders.
Electronic System Highlights:
- Fully integrated WiFi (802.11g) system with dual serial communication channels (max of 912.6 Kbps per channel), supporting both UDP and TCP/IP protocol.
- Full color video and two-way audio capability. (CMOS color image module and audio module are fully integrated.)
- Battery: 3700mAh with over 3 hours for nominal operation.
- Collision detection sensors include 6 sonar range sensors and 7 IR range sensors
- 2 Pyroelectric Human Motion Sensors
Included Main Modules: |
X80-ME | X80 Mechanical Construction Set | 1 |
PMS5005 | Robot Sensing and Motion Controller |
1 |
PMB5010 | Multimedia Controller |
1 |
MDM5253 | DC Motor Driver Module with Position and Current Feedback | 1 |
MCI3908 | Color Image Module with Camera | 1 |
DUR5200 | Ultrasonic Range Sensor Module | 6 |
DHM5150 | Pyroelectric Human Motion Sensor Module | 2 |
GP2Y0A21YK | Sharp IR Distance Measuring Sensor | 7 |
MCR3210 | RS232 Interface Module | 1 |
WFS802b | WiFi 802.11 Wireless Module | 1 |
BAS8100 | 80hm 1W Speaker | 1 |
MAC5310 | Audio Codec and Audio Power Amplifier Module | 1 |
SAM5247 | Uni-directional Electret Microphone | 1 |
CCR2150 | RS232 Cross-over Serial Cable | 1 |
MGL5128 | 128x64 Graphic LCD Module | 1 |
DTA5102 | Tilt/Acceleration Sensor Module | 1 |
DAT5280 | Ambient Temperature Sensor Module | 1 |
MIR5538 | 38KHz Infrared Remote Controller Module | 1 |
DIR5538 | 38KHz Infrared Remote Controller | 1 |
N/A | Servo | 2 |
N/A | 12V DC Motor | 2 |
BPN7240 | 7.2V Ni-MH 3800mAh Battery Pack | 1 |
N/A | Universal Charger | 1 |
Downloadable Document(s): |
User Manual
SDK API Reference Manual
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